Thursday, 3 December 2009

On the 3rd day - -

- - of December - - I am getting so excited - only 2 days to go before I visit the beautiful City of Bruges. I am going on a day trip to the Christmas Markets there - on a direct flight from the island - along with a group of friends from work!
You have no idea how excited we are - - we are worse than the teenagers in school!! It is our main topic of conversation each time we have break or lunch - - goodness knows what we will be like next week when it is all over! It doesn't even matter that we have to be at the airport at some ungodly hour on Saturday morning!
I have printed out maps from Google, been on Trip Advisor to find any reviews and on Flickr looking at photos!! Last year one of the highlights of my Christmas was our short break in Munich with my friends from work to go to the Christmas Markets. We can't afford to do it every year {sadly :(} - and now we are saving up for a trip to Sorrento - - but have managed to scrape enough together for this one day excursion, and I think we are all really looking forward to it!
Thanks for stopping by
Gura mie ayd J x

"Oh the Weather outside -- --

- - is frightful" - seriously - not snow {I wish, I wish - - well JUST for Christmas day really} but wild weather is battering my island home! We are experiencing real "Sou'westers" - gusting, blustery winds, - - the sky grey, heavy & menacing, looming over the hillside crushing the light, emptying its load in sheets of rain onto the sodden fields below - - can our tiny island really soak up any more water? - already the farms are waterlogged from earlier downpours! - - whilst the sea races in - - crashing over the seawall, on to the road to catch the unwary motorist, - - heading home through the storm, blown spume skipping across the windscreen then dancing madly in the headlights like mischievous little imps!

Coming in from this, buffeted down the steps, hair tangled, damp and not a little breathless - my home feels so welcoming, - - - once indoors the cottage settles into the hillside - drawing its thick stone walls closer, wrapping us in safety and protecting us from the worst of the weather - I do so love my home!

It made me think about the weather - and actually had me pondering what would be the perfect weather for Christmas Day - and I have come to the conclusion that I am very much a traditionalist at heart, hopelessly romantic and completely taken in by the "cosy Victorian Christmas" illustrated in "A Christmas Carol" - I blame Charles Dickens myself!!! So ideally I want snow - just enough to turn my world white and sparkly - just for one day - - cold , bright & sunny - - the kind of day that makes you want to go for a walk after Christmas lunch!
It doesn't seem to happen much anymore - and I can't remember many when it did - snow was almost always before or after Christmas when I was growing up - -and these days I live by the sea - so very rarely see any snow at all. We do get some lovely sunny Christmas Days though! -Perhaps not this year - will have to wait and see.

Please feel free to leave a little comment if you stop by.

Gura mie ayd, J x

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

"I Declare - - -

- - that I am going to make a Christmas Journal - to capture  my December 2009 for eternity - to look back on and remember and to reclaim the magic that this season of the year is to me. I will GIVE myself a few minutes each day to make an entry in my Journal without stressing and purely for the delight and pleasure it brings me, so that at the end  of the month I will have a record of this Christmas. Along the way I will post entries here, try to share my creations with other Christmas lovers around the world and make a little time to admire and be inspired by THEIR creations too - - but most of all I declare my intention to re-claim my enjoyment of the season."

Today is the start od Shimelle's JYC class for 2009 - I am an alumni of a few years now being on. I think,  on my 4th or 5th journal so - really I think I ought to know what I should be doing. The class is such fun to be a part of - -  even if I fall by the wayside as the month gets busier! I do have all my stuff collected together and all my blank pages cut ready to go - so if I print out my manifesto - - as above - - I'm good to go!!

I have managed to make a couple of ATCS for Craft Club swap tonight  as well -  so I good start so far - long may it last!
Do feel free to leave a little comment if you stop by,
Gura mie ayd! J x

Monday, 23 November 2009


has got in the way a little this last couple of weeks. Not only have we had auditors in at work - but my home has been flooded with the sheer volume of surface water so the drains in my village couldn't cope!
I now need plasterers and floor fitters to get everything sorted - but  getting estimates from them is proving to be rather a nighmare.
Will be back when I can!

Friday, 13 November 2009

Birthday Celebrations

Its Friday - - Yay - - its as good as it gets as we say where I work at present.
As you know it was my birthday on Remembrance Day - -  however its not a very practical day to celebrate with friends - so this evening we went (as usual on Fridays, to our local hostelry) as my friend Heather's husband David was 65 on Remembrance Day and this year we were having a get together in honour of his retirement. We have had a lovely evening - - - though we came away to go home before many would be going out. We had lovely grub - - AND a really great chance to chat!

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Remembrance Day - -

Soft puffs of silver grey clouds - pearly and shimmering - - the rising sun paints them peach and rose - stretching his fingers of light wide so that suddenly the sky - - so grey a few moments ago is turned into mother of pearl. A quiet sky  but so , so beautiful - - perfect for remembering

 "They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them. "

 Laurence Binyon

- - -when I was a very small girl - - -the 2 minutes silence was faithfully observed in my infant school -  - and in my innocence I thought that when all the class stood up with respect and quietness  - - it was just for me - - - Because you see - -  today is my birthday.

I am incredibly passionate about this Charity - - I have  a Poppy for everyone of my coats - I have one on my 'puter ar work and one on my cardigan as I type.  These days I sometimes think that many people buy a Poppy to remember the 2 World Wars  and that they forget that the Poppy is the symbol chosen to celebrate PEACE for Armistice Day 1918 - - and to encourage us to take a few minutes to remember ALL those who serve their country, THEN  and NOW.
The  Royal British Legion continues to support our Service Men and Women and their families and offer support  for them in difficult & tragic circumstances  - - we do still have boys serving in Afghanistan
- - soldiers are still paying with life & limb - -
- - and though they no longer look as youthful as my Grandfather did when he volunteered in 1915
- - many are still boys
Please think of them all at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month.
Thank you

Please feel free to leave a little comment if you stop by.

Gura mie ayd, Jx

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Glion Dhoon - - -

- - this tree was blown over in the last big storms we had on the island a few years ago - - mother nature never gives up does she??

- - on through the glen

- - in autumn

- - the rain held off just long enough - -

for this
Please leave a little comment if you stop by.

Gura mie ayd, J x

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Wednesday Words - - - Wind

If you haven’t already noticed I do love words – I write way too much – and maybe you think I do witter on – so if so – my apologies! I also find writers who can paint pictures with their words truly inspirational – and at the moment am finding myself remembering snippets of lines and words (and even whole poems ) more than I ever used to - -  - perhaps its a sign of old age!!
The change to the more seasonal autumn weather has caused all sorts of words to come floating to the surface of my brain – things I thought I had forgotten from childhood  - (this post was the first of them)
Today the sky has been stormy all day , heavy, menacing clouds pinned to the sky like a dark grey curtain, draped & looped back with tiebacks of unexpected silver light– and tonight the wind has risen  - so tonight  - I can’t get this out of my head - - -
Sometimes the wind has a voice like the sea,
I hear it when I’m in my bed,
Softly it sings as it scurries around,
In the chimney pots high overhead.

Sometimes it shouts like a boisterous giant,
With a blustery, flustery roar,
Then whistles and sighs as it spins on the roof,
And rattles the latch on the door.

But here inside, we are safe and secure,
By the fire all cosy and warm,
So softly it sighs, as it taps on the pane,
Won’t you please let me in from the storm?
I can no longer remember who wrote this, or even if I have actually remembered it correctly as it doesn’t feel quite right – it was in a book of “Bedtime Stories” I think – no idea who might have published it - -but am  not sure. I only remember how a picture appeared in my head as mummy read it aloud to me – and I can still see the page in the book in my minds eye - - so clearly - - with the illustration of the wind , a face with huge cheeks blowing swirls onto the page. Mainly black & white with occasional blocks of colour - - - -
I must be in my second childhood - -  something from so long ago still surfacing when I hear the wind outside - -  but maybe not - - especially as I now have a real fire again. I don’t know who wrote this poem – but it still it paints pictures in my mind – so the writer is inspirational for me – and I am truly grateful to whoever they may be - - if my memory is at fault and you know the correct words – please let me know!!
Please feel free to leave a little comment if you stop by.
Gura mie ayd,  J x

Monday, 2 November 2009

The start of a new class - -

- - Blogging for Scrapbookers officially started  today – already I learned about Google reader – what a great bit of kit!! Many thanks to classmate Heather who has put together an easy way for us to keep in touch with each others blogs. Heather if you read this – YOU ROCK!

It has also been totally crazy today at work – we have had a new phone system – and it has been completely chaotic! 

I felt

  1. stressed!!
  2. like the proverbial headless chicken!
  3. or even the Old Woman who lived in a Shoe

still I did get  through the day! Too tired to do much more than get my bag ready for craft club!.

Gura mie ayd, J x

Sunday, 1 November 2009

November - -

No sun--no moon!
No morn--no noon!
No dawn--no dusk--no proper time of day--
No sky--no earthly view--
No distance looking blue--
No road--no street--no "t'other side this way"--
No end to any Row--
No indications where the Crescents go--
No top to any steeple--
No recognitions of familiar people--
No courtesies for showing 'em--
No knowing 'em!
No traveling at all--no locomotion--
No inkling of the way--no notion--
"No go" by land or ocean--
No mail--no post--
No news from any foreign coast--
No Park, no Ring, no afternoon gentility--
No company--no nobility--
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member--
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds--
November! -  - Thomas Hood
- - here it is already – I am never quite sure where the year goes to and again it seems to have disappeared before  I had time to capture it. I found this poem surfacing in my head again as I often do when November comes around - - I love its evocative description - - I remember  many foggy November days that this captures so perfectly - - I grew up in an area surrounded by cotton & woollen mills – huge chimneys belching black smoke into the atmosphere, turning the sky a dirty grey, lit by the lurid yellow street lamps as darkness fell, hoarding  the smoke before returning to earth the gift - -  Fog - -  creeping in – silent and insidious,  dampening the pavements, slithering down from the yellowy skies throughout the day, so that by the end of school, as the day began to draw in, and darkness began to fall the buses were no longer running, and mummy’s were standing by the gates with scarves to muffle up to try to keep that dirty yellow mist out of their children’s lungs. We  little ones who lived further away were bundled up in our coats by the teachers, hatted and gloved, scarves round our mouths, marshalled together and “crocced” up the hill by Mrs Taylor - to be met by assorted mummy's waiting at the end of side roads to collect their own little ones, so that by the time we reached Springfield Lane there were just 2 of clinging tight to Mrs Taylor's hands. We would be handed over to either my mummy or Kenneth's mummy to be taken home to our respective homes (we lived next door to each other), there to be fussed over and fed on an old fashioned high tea - perhaps of hash, boiled eggs and buttery 'soldiers'.
Its not foggy here today -  - its raining very hard and very steadily -  - but visibility isn't good - which is why I think the poem came into my head!

Thanks for stopping by

Gura mie ayd. J x

Friday, 30 October 2009

30th October - -

-- and the month creeps towards its end – but its highlight gets nearer with Halloween almost upon us – except here it isn’t Halloween – but Hop tu Naa – and we don’t carve pumpkins but what the Manx call turnips – (but are most likely more familiar to you all as swedes.)  to make Jack-o-Lanterns. They are smaller than pumpkins of course – but make super lanterns – small enough to carry with a tea light inside, which is what the children do as they parade through the village singing the Hop Tu Naa song and I know there will be special events taking place at Cregneash on Saturday making them. I wish I still had children young enough to take along to join in the fun. It is likely to be very popular so it would be unfair of me to take up places that children should have but it would have been nice to be involved at least once, for such a longstanding Manx tradition. Its linked to the deep Gaelic roots that are still surprisingly close to the surface amongst the Manx born – and even Comeovers like me feel their pull.

Hop-tu-Naa in Manx/English

Shoh shenn oie Houiney; Hop-tu-naa
This is old Hollantide night; Hop-tu-naa
T'an eayst soilshean; Trol-la-laa.
The moon shines bright; Trol-la-laa.
Kellagh ny kiarkyn; Hop-tu-naa.
Cock of the hens; Hop-tu-naa
Shibber ny gauin; Trol-la-laa.
Supper of the heifer; Trol-la-laa.
'Cre'n gauin marr mayd ? Hop-tu-naa.
Which heifer shall we kill? Hop-tu-naa
Yn gauin veg vreac. Trol-la-laa.
The little speckled heifer. Trol-la-laa.
Yn chione kerroo, Hop-tu-naa.
The fore-quarter, Hop-tu-naa
Ver mayd 'sy phot diu; Trol-la-laa.
We'll put in the pot for you. Trol-la-laa.
Yn kerroo veg cooyl, Hop-tu-naa.
The little hind quarter, Hop-tu-naa
Cur dooin, cur dooin. Trol-la-laa.
Give to us, give to us. Trol-la-laa.
Hayst mee yn anvroie, Hop-tu-naa.
I tasted the broth, Hop-tu-naa
Scoald mee my hengey, Trol-la-laa.
I scalded my tongue, Trol-la-laa.
Ro'e mee gys y chibber, Hop-tu-naa.
I ran to the well, Hop-tu-naa
As diu mee my haie, Trol-la-laa.
And drank my fill; Trol-la-laa.
Er my raad thie, Hop-tu-naa.
On my way back, Hop-tu-naa
Veeit mee kayt-vuitsh; Trol-la-laa.
I met a witch cat; Trol-la-laa.
Va yn chayt-scryssey, Hop-tu-naa.
The cat began to grin, Hop-tu-naa
As ren mee roie ersooyl. Trol-la-laa.
And I ran away. Trol-la-laa.
Cre'n raad ren oo roie Hop-tu-naa.
Where did you run to? Hop-tu-naa
Roie mee gys Albin. Trol-la-laa.
I ran to Scotland. Trol-la-laa.
Cred v'ad jannoo ayns shen ? Hop-til-naa
What were they doing there? Hop-til-naa
Fuinney bonnagyn as rostey sthalgyn. Trol-la-laa.
Baking bannocks and roasting collops. Trol-la-laa.
Hop-tu-naa, Trol-la-laa.
Hop-tu-naa, Trol-la-laa
My ta shiu goll dy chur red erbee dooin, cur dooin tappee eh,
Ny vees mayd ersooyl liorish soilshey yn cayst
Hop-tu-naa, Trol-la-laa.
If you are going to give us anything, give it us soon,
Or we'll be away by the light of the moon.
Hop-tu-naa, Trol-la-laa.
For anyone interested – Hop-tu-naa is older than Halloween – see here
please feel free to leave a little comment if you stop by.
Gura mie ayd, J x

Thursday, 29 October 2009


A golden day today - -October is creeping to an end and today has given me one of those beautiful autumn days full of "sunshine after the rain" - it tempted me outside with my camera so off I went down the glen - my favourite walk of course - so much so that is known as "mum's walk" in our house!

I can make it last as long as I want it  to - from a quick 20 minutes when I am short of time, to a whole afternoon walking along the coast path. I am so fortunate to have the paths on my doorstep as it were - not only is the scenery totally uplifting (whatever the weather) but I get to see so much wildlife from the tiniest of creatures to the one of the largest. I do so love my island home!!

Please feel free to leave a little comment if you stop by :)

Gura mie ayd J X

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

A wet start - -

- - to my day today and the quiet day of yesterday has been replaced with wind & rain - a very autumnal day in fact since all the colours of the season are intensified by the dampness. It is a wee bit brighter outside than earlier so I might just get out for a breath of fresh air if I am lucky - I'm keeping my eye on the window anyway!

I have had a productive morning craftwise as I have finished my little box I started covering yesterday and cut all the papers to size for our Allday Crop in November.
It's my turn to run the classes for this one and I am hoping our ladies like what we have chosen for the projects. I can't take credit for the designs as I know I have seen several similar projects out there already on the net - but the instructions are mine - in step by step "Yellow Brick Roads" (you know - one brick at a time - Follow the Yellow Brick Road - from The Wizard of Oz! ). I can't share the mini album yet - but this is one I made in the summer when I was creating my instructions.
It's really brightened up - so I am off for a brief walk along the beach before the rain returns from the west - thanks for dropping in :)
Please feel free to leave a little comment if you stop by.

Gura mie ayd, J x

Monday, 26 October 2009

First lessons - -

- - the Blogging Blueprint landed in my inbox today from Shimelle's class - and true to form the clarity of her words and tips makes everything so easy to understand. She is a gifted teacher in my opinion - and as one of her regular online students I think I am a lucky lady to have her inspire me the way she does. Already I learned something I hadn't managed to find out for myself - so hope to improve both my blogs as a result of the class.

Its half term here - so I actually have a few days off - Hurrah! It does mean I can do a bit of crafting I hope - the trouble is time just seems to slip through my fingers like water!!
I guess I can live in hope though.
Thanks for stopping by.
Gura mie ayd, J x

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Blogging for Scrapbookers

is a new class I just signed up for with Shimelle! Hopefully it will help me get nack on track blogging again!
I can live in hope I guess -

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Tuesday - and some thoughts on celebrity

I have never thought of myself as being a massive “celebrity fan” – so was surprised today by how saddened I was to hear of the death of Patrick Swayze. I have “fallen for” many handsome TV & Film stars, Pop stars etc over the course of my life – and still feel a fondness for many who are still with us, and have always been saddened to hear they were no longer on this earth – but today’s news is the first time I have found myself with tears in my eyes.
I am struggling to find a reason to be truthful – I was not a teenager or even very young when he first became a star in Dirty Dancing – in fact I never saw it in its heyday. As a mum of an 8 yr old and a 1 year old I didn’t go to the cinema, so much of the fuss went over my head and I thought that I was past those teenage type crushes (I was in my mid 30s!!). However – when I eventually saw the film at home on video I fell hook, line & sinker for the pure romance of the story – however cheesy it might seem today. I remember sitting watching it with my beloved Doug and the children and loving every minute – especially when he was dancing - Oh to have been the girl in his arms! and from then on I was hooked. I got Ghost on video just because Patrick was in it– I don’t know what it was - but he had it by the bucket load – and my heart goes out to his widow and his family. Also I would liked to have thanked him, as he got me & Doug to dance classes – We learned that "dirty Dance" along with lots of other dances - and it is still a very pleasurable shared hobby.
Thank you Patrick, not only did your dancing give me great pleasure to watch, but it also inspired us to dance too – so for me - you will be sadly missed.
So today I learned - Tears need not always be shed for those you know well - sometimes they can be for those you don't really know at all.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Today - -

- it was back to work - in pretty dismal weather I might add, and it was really hard getting myself there - I was so tired after travelling off island for the wedding.When we got back last night the cottage looked so welcoming! There really is no place like home.Specially this one - not many people are lucky enough to live in their dream home I know - so I do feel blessed. I always feel as if I am being wrapped up in warm comforting arms when I walk through the door of my cottage - even if it has been empty for a couple of days - so its good to be home!!
It was the first of two days in school with only staff in - no children until Wednesday, and there was so much to do to get the school anything like ready! All hands to the pump time - except that was a bit difficult with the building work & re-furbishment still un-finished!!!
Our new Deputy Head took some of the Welcome Back Meeting, and I think she is going to be a real asset to the school. I like the cut of her jib as they say in nautical circles. Already there is a different feel to the place - much happier atmosphere - which we are much in need of as we have had to work through a rather traumatic couple of years - with many of us feeling "in Limbo" and slightly abandoned by "the powers that be". A pity our new Head couldn't be there as well - but technically he is not appointed until November 1st.
So what did I learn today?
# it was good to see my colleagues after their break
# I'm more tired after travelling off island for the weekend than I used to be - oh the joys of getting older!
# It is SO good to be home!
Here is my page for the day anyway.

Please leave a little comment if you stop by.
Gura mie ayd. J x

Sunday Learning

Today was rather a quiet day after the excitement of the wedding yesterday. Doug went out climbing with his mates and I spent the day with mum & dad. Mum has treated herself to an Overlocker - though I don't think she has used it since the thread broke and she has not been able to re-thread it as she couldn't read the instructions, remember them, then go back to her machine to thread it. She has kept on forgetting to ask me to do it with her when I have visited so it has been months I think!!
Anyway - today's lesson for the journal was this - I learned how to thread mum's overlocker!

Here is the page about it, please leave a little comment if you stop by.

Gura mie ayd. J x

Sunday, 6 September 2009

A trip off the island - -

- - the first of two this month - a visit to mum & dad and a wedding. We only planned the trip as we were invited to celebrate with Melody & David on the occasion of their wedding. Mel was my chief bridesmaid & witness at our wedding 23 years ago, and she is re marrying after a goodly number of years as a lone parent.
It was a really lovely wedding - a union of two counties - a joining of the white rose and the red! He is from Yorkshire, she from Lancashire and if you are from that part of the world I am sure you are aware of the friendly rivalry & banter which always goes on when Lancashire & Yorkshire folk meet up! - she was alight with happiness and the groom was positively bursting with pride and love for his "red rose".Red & white Roses graced his buttonhole, Mel wore a beautiful creamy "old gold" gown and they were both supported by their respective sons. No bridesmaids at this wedding - just groomsmen & bridesmen! Mel was escorted up the aisle by both her boys - who both "gave her away" in a beautiful service.
To my absolute delight - many of my former work colleagues were wedding guests - and we had indeed come from far & wide to share their special day - Aberdeen, Wales, South Africa and Isle of Man to name just a few. It was fabulous to see Mandy, Fran, Viv, Sarah, Rose & Brian, Berny & Wayne, Michelle & Justine! Specially now as contact is usually just Christmas card & letter & the occasional letter in between!
The fun we had though was as if we had only been out together last week! It was great to catch up with them all and hear of their families and see pictures of the great young men & women our children have turned into. I can't believe it is over 9 years since we last worked together - as chatting and laughing with them felt as if we still seeing each other on an almost daily basis! So today's lesson?? Real friendship survives over any period, distance and limited contact - like good wine - friendship only matures - and we really should meet up more often.

Please leave a little comment if you stop by.

Gura mie ayd. J x

Friday, 4 September 2009

I HATE - -

- - the amount of dust that is just flying around my working environment - the winds we have been experiencing have been especially wild - and with the school looking and feeling like a building site there is every imaginable type of dust in the atmosphere from plaster to sawdust - my 3rd day of this since I returned to work from leave - and what has it set off - my hayfever - I feel like crying - I have been allergy free since we moved here nine years ago - but what did I have do this morning within an hour of getting in - go to the chemist for Clarityn!!

This is the lesson for today then - the curse that is allergic rhinitis - which is what the Doc always calls it - has reared its ugly head again - my eyes are itching,as are my ears and the back of my throat and my nose is streaming!! I could scream - I am going to a wedding tomorrow - and I will look like I have a drink problem!!!

I shall be glad to see the back of this week I can tell you, as it has not been pleasant in work. I feel so ratty and grumpy!! If it wasn't for this class Learn Something New - where I can use scrapping these feelings as therapy - I am not sure what I would do!
The sea calls again I foresee. LOL Best foot forward then!!
Here is my page anyway.Similar elements to my previous pages - and the blog post is to be printed on a tag tucked into the back of the page to tell the full story.

Please leave a little comment if you stop by.

Gura mie ayd. Jx

Thursday, 3 September 2009

A little Stress relief -

- -is a very good thing. As you might have been able to work out - these last couple of days are proving to be designed to send my blood pressure soaring! On Tuesday I was lucky enough to bump into Kenny - and what he told me was enough to make my day. Today I needed to find another way of dealing with the chaos that is my work place at the moment - before I went home and snapped at my family!( Who are pretty stressed themselves as Doug is suffering with back pain & sciatica and Rhiannon is off to Uni for the first time.)
I can't really claim that today's lesson is a new one for me - but it is one I have a real tendency to forget unless I make a concious effort to head for the coast path or beach. Since life seems so fraught this week I felt it was appropriate to include it in this journal - and it is such a beautiful view.
Another very simple page - Shimelle's printouts, computer generated text, flowers & my butterfly stamp.
Please leave a little comment if you stop by.

Gura mia ayd. J x

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

- - and it was

- back to work for me today - and I found myself facing a feeling of total panic - the teaching staff return to school on Monday - and the school looks like a building site!! There is scaffolding in the corridor preventing me getting into the computer suites, classrooms without ceilings, stockrooms with a collapsed ceiling, new toilet pans still in the corridors - and I have taken a delivery of over 80 desktop PCs and monitors that need to be in the computer suites by next Wednesday - when the children return - along with 80 new staff laptops that I need to build ready for swap out with their old ones – aaaaagh!!
I headed home feeling really stressed - on my way I popped into the supermarket and on the checkout was an ex student – a young man who had come to our island from the Philippines knowing no English – being 15 at that time he was allocated to Year group 10 – and had extra support with English lessons. He would often come to us in the library or the IT Dept for a bit of additional help & explanation with stuff he didn’t always understand, so I got to know him quite well during those 2 years he was with us - however he left in year 11 with rather poor GCSE results (understandably)
He went on to the College to re-sit the whole 2 years – and today he told me he had been accepted back to our school - as a Sixth Form Student - to do his A Levels. He was so, so delighted to have a place! He couldn’t even wait until it was my turn to be served to share his excitement at his success. Well done Kenny - You made my day - it just had to be today's entry - So today I learnt – working in Education can be the most rewarding job in a the world.
Another simple page - computer generated text, Shimelles's print outs, my butterfly stamp & a few paper flowers with brads.
Please leave a little comment if you stop by.

Gura mie ayd. J x

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

- - and today I have learned

- - that setting up,running & acting as host for the Craft Clubs first Circle Journal was really VERY rewarding. It was a worry at times - and I was no different than anyone else at doing my entries at the last minute (LOL) - but it has been a very special experience to have been part of and sometimes very challenging yet -
  • We have learned a little more about each other
  • Have a piece of each others creativity to cherish
  • We think we might do it again after a short break - indeed at least one lady has a theme in mind LOL!
  • It was good being able to actually exchange albums each month at meetings
  • I think it has deepened our friendship and made us closer as a group
So I felt that should be my first entry in this journal -
Very simple as I am working at 6x6 - I have decided to use Shimelle's printable for the date. and I have printed it on vellum & circled the date with silver ink - used my butterfly stamp, scallop punch (Stampin up), paper flower& brad, an old Friendship sticker I found in my stash, and computer generated text.
Please leave a little comment if you stop by

Gura mie ayd. Jx

- - and class begins

Hooray - class has properly started now - the prompt from Shimelle was in my mailbox this morning :). Learn Something New Every Day 2009 - a class about learning from life - and recording just a little aspect of it in an album. Do feel free to come along and join us - clicking in the link in the sidebar will take you to lots more information about it.
At the end of the month I hope to have a completed album recording the month of September 2009 to go with 2006 & 2007 - I didn't complete 2008 - life got in the way! This year it will be a different year for me - in the middle of the month my youngest daughter goes off to Sheffield Hallam University and there is no doubt in my heart {or head for that matter} that I will miss her.
She is the only one of my three children who completed Further Education - and her daddy & I are intensely proud of her and her achievement - but I will miss her presence in the cottage - I know I will. She is excited and apprehensive in equal measure {as am I!! LOL} - but that's life really - a series of ups and downs, laughter & tears, joy and sorrow - and the mundane - all thrown into the melting pot that makes up the every day.
May be today's lesson should be a small reminder to myself of something I do already know - that REAL life is always made up like that - those ups & downs are called living - and whatever comes my way I will do my best to enjoy the experience - or Learn from it!
Hope to be back later with my creativity for today.
Please leave a little comment if you stop by :)

Gura mie ayd. Jx

Monday, 31 August 2009

A Very Wet Bank Holiday -

So - I made the most of the atrocious weather by making the covers for my September Journal. It really has been a very poor day as far as the weather is concerned but I have to admit to having fun! I can "faff" for England so it really doesn't matter what the weather does. I was going to use the kit I got from Shimelle for this class - but as I was looking for the kit I found a whole stack of 7 Gypsies papers - so I changed my mind!!
I haven't yet made my mind up about binding it - so don't know if I will go with book rings or bind-it-all. I cut all my pages as well & have put all my intended stash together in a zip loc baggie. I feel very virtuous now I might tell you.
The butterfly is a Stampin' Up stamp which I stamped all over the cover in rosy pink ink. I then stamped the butterfly in the same ink, and chocolate brown ink, on scraps of paper before cutting them out and mounting them with 3D foam tape. I covered a small tag with paper before adding the chipboard letters for the "new" which I coloured with the rosy pink ink. The small text is computer generated, printed on patterned paper and the font is Odalisque.
I am pleased with the result and am now looking forward to the class starting.
Please leave a little comment if you stop by.

Gura mie ayd. Jx

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Learn Something New Every Day

The amazing Shimelle has once again invited me to participate with her September Class Learn Something New Every Day. It's great fun - and if you fancy joining in do go to Shimelle's Learn Something New Every Day Class. Must admit that I usually do manage to be creative when I take note of Shimelle's prompts - just not very good at sharing my pages as time runs away with me and though I make - I don't upload. Joining in on the forum does help me though - so maybe this year I will do better.
I am off now to design my covers for this year. Will post pictures later.

Gura mie ayd. Jx

Keird - - Craft - -

And a new blog for me - -
- - and I wonder if I have bitten off more than I can chew. I don't seem to be able to find time to keep this one up to date but here I go again creating another! (DOH as Homer Simpson might say!)
But perhaps here I will manage to just upload pictures of my crafty makes. I will PROMISE to try my hardest.
This is a page I made in a Circle Journal where the theme was Black & White.

Gura mie ayd. J x


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