Welcome - especially if this is your very first time to visit my blog - it's lovely to see you! I do have to tell you that this post came to life purely from
Mel's post about the blog hop - as the image was a letter short of the full alphabet. I had to try out her idea of writing with just 25 letters to play with!!
Those of you who have visited my blog before may be aware that I share the day of my birth with
Armistice Day - so that, that time of year is particularly special for me - The Poppy Appeal is a charity I support wholeheartedly. You perhaps also might have picked up my love for words - and as words are made from letters - I like those too! All the way from A to Z! I love the shape of them, what you hear if you speak them, how they feel if you say them, plus the pleasure of them put together to create those words. Merged together they make music - lyrics come to my head, poems shout their joy, whilst prose colours those pictures I see with my soul. My favourite poets, writers or lyricists are those whose words excite me or make music for me, whether that be because of the rhythm of the verses - quick or slow - or the pretty pictures their words create for the make believe world of my head. Do words do that for you too?
Letters put together by others set me off searching for ways to improve my way of "putting letters together" to make my words beautiful too. I have
tried - so hope that just sometimes I have succeeded. Shimelle's classes are a great help .
This writer particularly lit up those pictures in my head, she makes pictures with words - she has descriptions that stay with me always, giving me the desire to also create pictures with words. So sometimes I hope
my efforts have paid off.
I adore my family - they are my rock - the treasure that makes my life so special, with them I am rich as they give me such a wealth of joy.
Of course I also love "pretties" - paper, trims, photographs - so I scrapbook - flowers, beads, pottery - so I make stuff - to cook gives me pleasure - pastries, pies, bread, cakes - so I bake - home is special to me - fabric, firelight, comfort - so I keep house for my family to make a happy home. All these small pleasures make me smile - so I feel happy. I hope they make you happy as well - today I wish you lots of little joys that make you smile.
There are lots more of us to "hop with" today, all at play with this idea - the full list is below - but first you might wish to visit JimJams- so
here you go! Have a lovely day.
'til next time.
PS - as a slight twist over what's said by those Sesame Street characters - this post NOT brought to you today by the letter N!
You can find everyone through this list - so enjoy!
I Speak Melsh: [ http://ispeakmelsh.blogspot.com/ ]http://ispeakmelsh.blogspot.com/
BE Glorious: [ http://beglorious.blogspot.com/ ]http://beglorious.blogspot.com/
Captured On Film: [ http://mrsbeee.blogspot.com/ ]http://mrsbeee.blogspot.com/
Chatty Crafty Arty Pig: [ http://chattycraftyartypig.blogspot.com/ ]http://chattycraftyartypig.blogspot.com/
Creating Room: [ http://creatingroom.blogspot.com/ ]http://creatingroom.blogspot.com/
Curiouser and Curiouser: [ http://journalofcuriousthings.blogspot.com/ ]http://journalofcuriousthings.blogspot.com/
Daily Life - Bits and Pieces: [ http://www.melissagross.blogspot.com/ ]http://www.melissagross.blogspot.com/
Deb's World: [ http://debs14.blogspot.com/ ]http://debs14.blogspot.com/
Den's Crafty Diary: [ http://deecie.blogspot.com/ ]http://deecie.blogspot.com/
From High In The Sky: [ http://fromhighinthesky.blogspot.com/ ]http://fromhighinthesky.blogspot.com/
Gallo Organico: [ http://gallorganico.blogspot.com/ ]http://gallorganico.blogspot.com/
Ginger's Life Of Spice: [ http://gingerslifeofspice.blogspot.com/ ]http://gingerslifeofspice.blogspot.com/
Handmade By Kirsty: [ http://handmadebykirsty.blogspot.com/ ]http://handmadebykirsty.blogspot.com/
Havoc and Mayhem: [ http://www.havocandmayhem.com/ ]http://www.havocandmayhem.com/
Heather's Scraps: [ http://heathers-scraps.blogspot.com/ ]http://heathers-scraps.blogspot.com/
Helena's Creative Maven: [ http://helenascreativemaven.blogspot.com/ ]http://helenascreativemaven.blogspot.com/
Holaday's Happy Hearts: [ http://holadayshappyhearts.blogspot.com/ ]http://holadayshappyhearts.blogspot.com/
Jeant-Jinnag: [ http://jeant-jinnag.blogspot.com/ ]http://jeant-jinnag.blogspot.com/
Just Jimjams: [ http://just-jimjams.blogspot.com/ ]http://just-jimjams.blogspot.com/
K's Crafty Corner: [ http://kscraftycorner.blogspot.com/ ]http://kscraftycorner.blogspot.com/
Life...As I See It: [ http://jillconyers.typepad.com/ ]http://jillconyers.typepad.com/
{Life Behind The Purple Door}: [ http://www.lifebehindthepurpledoor.com/ ]http://www.lifebehindthepurpledoor.com/
Lisa E Design Blog: [ http://lisae-design.blogspot.com/ ]http://lisae-design.blogspot.com/
Living Life One Blessing At A Time: [ http://livinglifeoneblessingatatime.blogspot.com/ ]http://livinglifeoneblessingatatime.blogspot.com/
Mary's Musings: [ http://craftycreation.blogspot.com/ ]http://craftycreation.blogspot.com/
Michelle Loves...: [ http://michellelovesallsorts.blogspot.com/ ]http://michellelovesallsorts.blogspot.com/
Obstinate Pursuit: [ http://obstinatepursuit.blogspot.com/ ]http://obstinatepursuit.blogspot.com/
Over At Our Place: [ http://overatourplace.blogspot.com/ ]http://overatourplace.blogspot.com/
Paper Turtle: [ http://paperturtle.blogspot.com/ ]http://paperturtle.blogspot.com/
Peonies and Pennies: [ http://peoniesandpennies.blogspot.com/ ]http://peoniesandpennies.blogspot.com/
Random Reflections: [ http://www.kbwalker.blogs.com/ ]http://www.kbwalker.blogs.com/
Rosalind Revival: [ http://rosalindrevival.blogspot.com/ ]http://rosalindrevival.blogspot.com/
Scrap Dreams: [ http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com/ ]http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com/
Scrappyjacky: [ http://scrappyjackylive.blogspot.com/ ]http://scrappyjackylive.blogspot.com/
Scrapworthy Lives: [ http://www.scrapworthylives.com/ ]http://www.scrapworthylives.com/
Staring At The Sea: [ http://fiona-staringatthesea.blogspot.com/ ]http://fiona-staringatthesea.blogspot.com/
Surefiredaisy Says: [ http://surefiredaisysays.blogspot.com/ ]http://surefiredaisysays.blogspot.com/
This Kalil Life: [ http://www.kimberlykalil.com/ ]http://www.kimberlykalil.com/
This Little Life Of Mine: [ http://tracyscraftycorner.blogspot.com/ ]http://tracyscraftycorner.blogspot.com/
Xnomads' Blog: [ http://xnomads.typepad.com/blog/ ]http://xnomads.typepad.com/blog/
Note: If any of the posts aren't up yet, please bear with us - the different time zones and the peculiarity of blogging platforms when it comes to autoposts may mean that one or two posts don't appear on time! If that's the case, come back to this list to pick up from the next blog, but do please pop back and try the other link later, when the post should be there for your enjoyment
Gura mie Ayd!
J x