Sunday, 9 June 2013

Sunday Snaps - -

Welcome, welcome - - summer really does seem to have arrived on my island - - and for me it is bittersweet. The anniversary looming next week means that in spite of the glorious weather, some moments are proving very hard for me.
I am really trying to find my way along this rather difficult road I find myself travelling down - - - and look for all the positives I can find. I always have my camera with me, and I have used it often this last few weeks to act as a shield when I have got a little "overwhelmed" - - - so thought I might show you one or two "snaps" that gave me a reason to hide behind my camera on when I needed it. I am amazed at how well some of them have turned out - since often I couldn't focus with eyes filled with tears.

Our very late spring has meant that Mother Nature has  everywhere festooned in blossom and our spring blooms are all a-flower at the same time as our summer blooms -  -  but it has made for a beautiful "show"!
Perhaps you too have a few photos you might like to share today - if you do please link up.

Thanks for stopping by
'til later

Bannaghtyn, J x


  1. Beautiful flowers. I love the table in the last one.

  2. Lovely flowers. I really like the pretty ones that have made a little home for themselves amongst the rocks.

  3. Seems that the very act of using the camera has soothed you a little today. I'm glad.

  4. I am glad the camera has provided a shield for you. The photos it has brought are lovely. Saying special prayers for you this week. I share photos on Wednesdays, are you doing Sunday Snaps weekly?

  5. Thinking of you at this hard time ... And glad that you are finding ways of allowing yourself to be as well as hold yourself close when you need to. Your camera did a great job! Tough I suspect the person holding it also played a part :).


Hi and welcome - thanks for taking the time to let me know you called.


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