- - has battered my island - so much so that the ferries have not sailed since yesterday lunch time!! Dark and dismal doesn't even come close to the way it looks outside! The rising wind is wuthering over my head above the skylight as I type - and the rain is horizontal! Needless to say it is raining in - the bucket is catching the drip - which is intensly annoying to my colleague and I!
It is a Craft Club day for our specila children today - but with the very high winds we have hunted out a whole batch of previous years Christmas projects - paper snowflakes, Snowman decoration, paper Angels - all of which we are going to encourage all the other children to do at lunch time. We also have a Poster Competition - for a fund raiser for them to enter - with a small prize on offer - so hopefully they won't be too manic - the wind really does seem to upset their equilibrium. Well - I don't care for it myself I must admit - not as wild as this anyway!
Thanks for stopping by -
Bannaghtyn - J x
it's wild and windy here too but I live in the middle of a town so plenty of houses to break it up a bit, except where it causes a wind tunnel of course.