Friday, 15 January 2010

Why I Scrapbook

I DO - I promise! I just never seem to find time to keep this up to date or upload my creations!
However - my resolution this year was to try to do better.
Shimelle has a super little video on her blog saying why she scrapbooks - and asking us the same question.  So why do I scrapbook? Surely Shimelle's reasons are mine - she has put it into words for me - well yes - but - - -
It made me think -  - and I realised - mainly I scrapbook for pleasure. To make something - to be creative - to relax - its my therapy - to escape, to play - to de-stress, to just BE ME - not wife, mum, sister, aunt, daughter, its fun, it gives me a social activity I can enjoy and share with others, both in the real world and online -
and the resulting records of our lives are a bonus, all be it a very "pretty"collection of pictures & words.
Take a peek at her video for yourself - here
And whilst I am thinking of Shimelle -
She made me really smile on her video when she took a moment to explain her name - it is totally unique since it is, as she says "made up" - It will therefore never appear in the Baby Names books - which give meanings to names - you know - the ones we buy when we discover we are expecting a first baby - but when I think of Shimelle, or participate in her online classes - INSPIRATION lights up in my head like a beacon - so forever for me Shimelle will mean just that. Thank you Shimelle - I envy your real life students - whether they be those teenagers who studied GCSE English with you when you were tied to a school timetable - or those very lucky ladies who manage to attend any craft workshop you are running. I am so glad you run online classes!!

Gura mie ayd J x


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