Sunday, 23 June 2013

Sunday Snaps - Photo Scavenger Hunt

 Welcome, welcome - - so nice of you to drop in. In previous years I have often seen posts linking up with Rinda of Gallo Organico, who runs an annual "Photo Scavenger Hunt" - and this year I have decided to join in for myself. I love to tick off anything on a list - don't we all?? So having a list to work with - - very satisfying! Rinda has full details here - and I have added the list to my sidebar to encourage me to keep taking those pictures!
I have made a start - - as I have been out and about a little this last week, so here are my first shots.

No 2 - A Theatre for the Performing Arts
This is our small village theatre. It was converted some 40 years ago from a de-consecrated church, which I believe may have had to to be demolished - to a small theatre auditorium and gallery. It houses a cafe and bar, is home to our local Amateur Dramatic Society - and is host to 3 musical festivals annually; one of which is taking place at the moment and has been running for 39 years  -  The Mannanan Festival. I myself have attended many events at this festival in the 13 years I have lived in the village, and indeed am off to a concert there later this very evening!
No 12 - A Cloud in the Shape of Something

I have done a lot of looking at the clouds to try to tick this off my list - and finally spotted this. To me it just looks like a swooping bird! Anyway I am claiming it as my entry for item 12 on Rinda's list. Are you taking part in the hunt? Please feel free to leave a link in comments - I would love to see what you might have captured in a snapshot.

Thanks for dropping in
'til later

Bannaghtyn, J x


  1. As soon as I saw your cloud photo, I said to myself, "that looks like a bird." Lovely theatre, as well. Thanks for joining in this year.

  2. Definitely can see the bird in your clouds!!

  3. would love to visit your little theatre

  4. Lovely to see you joining in this year! That is such a lovely little theatre - is that the door? looks beautiful ... Swooping bird? Definitely!

  5. I saw the bird, too, before I even read what you thought it resembled. Great start to the Scavenger Hunt!

  6. oh yay, I saw the swooping bird before I read it, maybe I am getting a tad better at the whole cloud thing

  7. I totally see the bird in the clouds! I have yet to start on my list ;)

  8. Great to see you joining in this year, Jennie...and what a great start!...I definately see that bird too!
    Alison xx


Hi and welcome - thanks for taking the time to let me know you called.


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