Wednesday, 11 May 2011

A Prom to remember

It has been a very busy week for me this week. Last Thursday was the official start of Study Leave for our year 11 students - - they have the Record of Achievement Ceremony and in the evening it is their “Prom” Ball. As is usual for me, I go along to take some snaps for the school plasma display – and though I can’t show you any other than this of these photos, but I am very pleased with how they have turned out. So are many of the young people in the shots – as I seem to have spent my week printing out copies for them to take home to various relatives. They all look so very elegant , handsome, pretty, beautiful, stunning and excited – and so very grown up!
The highlight of the event for me was seeing two of our Special Unit children arriving in all their finery – A -------- who spend his life in a wheelchair was looking particularly handsome in his “James Bond” outfit , he also struggles with language – but he made sure we understood who he was dressed like and his excitement brought tears to my eyes. C------- of course looked just like a Princess in a beautiful royal blue gown, silver shoes and bag and a diamante tiara in her hair. A------- had brought a beautiful bracelet as a small gift for C------- and she couldn’t wait to wear it.
They both had the most wonderful evening - - - the rest of their year group made sure they could get to the dance floor and included them both in the entire party atmosphere. Mum’s collected them at 11.45pm – and when asked if she had enjoyed the Prom, C-------- said “Yes – I keep thinking about it in my head, and when I do, it makes me happy”.
When her mum told us yesterday it brought tears to my eyes. She told us when she came to Crafty Corner – and it made my day.

I have a lovely photo of the two of them - so a page is calling out to me. Just wish I wasn't at work today!!

The Prom
Our last year now has flashed right past, schooldays are over now at last.
One more thing before we go. The Prom – a night for us to show,
How we can do you adults proud. Though we may get a little loud!
We’ll do our best to keep it fun, for staff and students, so each one
Will smile when this they look back on. We just wish the sun had shone.
We look so fine and scrub up well. In Tux and ball gown – Can you tell?
Just who we are? As we arrive in coach and carriage down the drive!
We laugh and giggle and admire, each and everyone’s attire.
The hair, the nails the polished shoes. Excitement , Cheers - and then we choose
The friends with whom we’ll go inside, for here we can no longer hide.
From Paperazzi mum and dad, whose pride in makes us so glad,
We made this effort to come here, to celebrate our final year!

'til later

Bannaghtyn Jx


  1. Glorious writing for a great occasion! She looks so stunning... I can remember being amazing at how beautiful my DD and all her friends looked at their prom, when most of the time they hung around in scruffy jeans!

  2. I still remember my own, what a special time that is in one's life :) So good that you were able to share the photos with them! Thanks for stopping by my blog today :)


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