Sunday, 24 April 2011

Easter Sunday

a beautiful Easter Day greeted me when I woke  - - blue skies & sunshine - warm air and birdsong - not the kind of day for staying indoors. The Artisan struggles to entertain himself indoors at any time - but there is no way he would want to be indoors on such a lovely day. Usually this would mean he would be off climbing but today we took a picnic to Ni-ar-byl for lunch. He did have an ulterior motive - because the first basking shark of the season was seen at Ni-ar-byl only a few days ago - but of course he doesn't think I'm aware of that!
 We took the coast path

 The drop to the shore is incredibly steep in places - and the path very narrow but the views are breathtaking

The sun is warm on our backs,  the gorse scents the air with that spicy, almost vanilla aroma, whilst under the hedges  - shy purple violets, delicate lemony primroses and sea pinks peep out through the grasses - as we climb the path to the headland the first swallow I have seen this year skims the path just in front of us, almost touching the small lavender stars of squill. The path turns sharply and below us is the beach. Steps lead down through the field of grass, which I think they use for thatch, to the hush of waves on the empty shore. It is quite some time since we came here, and a commemorative bench has appeared in between times - so we take advantage of its perfect position to eat our lunch, listen to the sound of the sea and watch - hopefully - for basking shark.
Sadly we watched in vain - but nevertheless Troie Vane is a perfect picnic spot - only a short way from Ni-ar-byl  - and from here it is very easy to see how Ni-ar-byl got its name - translated it means Road of the Tail of the Rocks - they really do look like a dragon or lizards tail in the water - favourite place for us to come even in winter - though we never come to this beach in winter as I don't find the path easy even at this time of year.  A lovely way to spend Easter Sunday.

Thanks for stopping by.

'til later,

Banaghtyn J x


  1. Sounds like a great day, not seen the first swallow here yet, then I'll know summer is really on it's way :)

  2. The views are looks a wonderful place.

  3. love seeing the pic's~beautiful view perfect for your picnic.

  4. You paint a beautiful picture with your words thank you for bringing your island to life in our mind's eye.

  5. Oh gosh that looks beautiful and you have descibed the walk so well, especially about the smells - just fantastic!

  6. Lovely atmospheric post and writing - and great photos. Wish I was there!


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