Thursday, 29 November 2012

A Journal for Christmas? - - - -

- - - and once again December creeps up on me unawares - though to be fair - this year I am in denial I know. I am not sure I know how to deal with this - it has always been a favourite time of year with me - ever since I was a small girl - but this year there is such a huge hole in my life and heart - which seems as if it will never mend - that I cannot imagine how I will get by. These poor eyes well up even just thinking about the Season this year - and half of me just wants cancel it, deny its existence, make it go away --- anything so it doesn't impinge on my life, making my very hard-won equilibrium disintegrate in splinters once again, I miss Ben so much it is a physical pain and I cannot think rationally about Christmas without him this year - I am very aware of this - however - I have discovered these last few months that the actual act of creation -the MAKING of anything "crafty" absorbs my mind totally, in fact it is the only thing which has done so - and there is no room for other more distressing thoughts in my head - so because of this I have decided that I must "screw my courage to the sticking place" - with apologies to (Will Shakespeare for tweaking his words!) and see if the making of a 2012 journal might help me get through the month.
And of course the delightful Shimelle runs her "Journal Your Christmas" class - of which I am a long-serving Alumni - and reading her reasons for starting her very first journal made me think I should try to participate. I know from experience how amazing and supportive class members are - so perhaps they may help me to regain some of my previous joy in this most magical time of the year.  Wish me luck dear reader.
Thanks for stopping by.

'til later and bannghtyn, J x

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Remember - -

- - remember - the 5th of November, Gunpwder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder treason, should ever be forgot.

I was reading a few blog entries from the other side of the pond this last couple of days - all filled with memories of Haloween Trick or Treat stories - and charming they all are too I must add. However it did make me look back at my own childhood - because of course in those days we didn't celebrate Halloween at all - but Bonfire Night!
And what excitement it generated in us as children - the anticipation of it being dark enough to light the fire - the scrubbing of the spuds to be thrown into the embers of the fire to be baked in their skins, the smell of the treacle toffee and the hunting out of the toffee hammer!! The mixed aromas pouring from every house on the street as each housewife prepared her contribution to the communal supper - Hash with dumplings, Bacon hotpot, Black peas - Parkin, Toffee Apples, and the wonderful smell of molasses for the treacle toffee!!
Dads were all busy collecting the fireworks together, hot drinks were bubbling away in every kitchen and how the mums managed with all us little ones getting in the way I don't know!! And the magic of Sparklers!! Absolutely wonderful - and the scent of gunpowder in the air when the finally fizzled out leaving you feeling bereft. I hope todays little ones look back at their Trick or Treat nights with as much fondness - -
'Til later

Thanks for stopping bye

Bannaghtyn, J x


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